the word...

Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines the word Nourish as

1. Nurture, Rear;

2. to promote the growth of;

3. Maintain or Support.

I like to think of these definitions all mushed together. To promote growth by supporting and/or nurturing. Which is why I love this word. It just feels comforting, like a warm cozy blanket and a cup of tea (your comforting might be very different than mine…) . How can a word become so important to a person that they decide to permanently tattoo it on their forearm? Well, nourish is the word…that grounds me when I need grounding, that helps me breath, that reminds me to find joy.

Nourishing yourself can be done in different ways and it will be different for everyone. There is not a prescription that can be given, not a list of rules or check lists. To learn to nourish oneself one needs to learn how to check in with themselves. “How does this make me feel?” “How do I feel after?” You can start with food. Does this food make me feel ____(insert word that works for you, example: energized)? Do I like the taste or enjoy this food? What was the reason I chose this food? ( Because you wanted it or a rule told you to have it). Then ask- does this food nourish me? Look back to the definition, does it sustain you, promote the growth of you or nurture you. Now please remember that you do not need to do this each time you eat. Sometimes eating needs to occur because the food is available and this is all there is, remember that is ok. You can also ask these questions about your movement. Exercise should not be punishment. Movement can be nourishing if it is done from a place of joy. If you are moving your body to attempt to change it there is a strong probability it is not nourishing you. Are you doing it because you love to be outside, or breathing deep. Are you doing it because you love they way your body feels when you move it to the music or stretch out all the spaces in your body? Food and exercise are often thought about in terms of control and manipulation. If they are looked at from a view of nourishment perhaps your relationships with them both could change.

One can also look at their activities to see if they are nourishing them. A personal example was this year when I was looking at my life and realizing I had too much on my plate. I really needed to boil it down to what was necessary and what was nourishing. If you have followed me for awhile you might have noticed that I have posted less frequently. I love to write and love to write this blog but was finding that my brain had a harder time sorting out what to say so I took a little break. I find the Nourished Circle Podcast extremely nourishing for myself and am doing what I can with that. Spending time with my kids is nourishing to me- I just needed to reduce my expectations of what that meant. If you look at your days, what, if anything, is nourishing? It does not need to be big. It does not need to change the world but if you find something to nourish you it might go a long way to improving your relationships with yourself, food and exercise.

Nourish, the word, has taught me to be gentler with myself. It has taught me to look inward, to find self compassion. It is a word that I will proudly carry with me forever. A word that I strongly believe in. A word that I believe can change so much for so many. A word started my revolution. I wonder if it can help you with yours?

Until next time be unapologetically you while I be unapologetically me